Most people endure at least one traumatic event in their lifetimes. Some have many. If you work in a high stress environment, like a hospital mental health care, the police force, or an incarceration facility, an overloaded nervous system could happen on a daily...
Do you have friends or frenemies? Some of us hold on to unfulfilling relationships because it’s better than being alone. Or maybe it’s just habit, but did you know that this isn’t healthy? A long term study found that people who are involved in...
We can be so conditioned to focus on what’s wrong, growing, and fixing things that we forget to acknowledge what’s right. So let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on what’s right with your life. When we do this simple, little practice, we...
Leaving any relationship is not easy. When the relationship has been abusive, there are special emotional considerations that don’t come with your run-of-the-mill breakup. Here are some things you need to know before leaving an abusive relationship that may make...
If you grew up in a chaotic environment, you may not know what it fees like to be safe. How do you cultivate something when you don’t know what it is? It’s like trying to describe chocolate to someone who has never smelled or tasted it. Nothing else comes...