Disillusionment Is the Beginning of Love

Disillusionment Is the Beginning of Love

Aren’t fairy tale romances so sweet! Who doesn’t want to be love bombed, struck with the certainty that this is “the one” and live happily ever after? Unfortunately, that’s not how life works. And when we use that as our template for what...
Are You Withholding Love?

Are You Withholding Love?

Withholding love is a common relationship tactic that many people use to avoid being hurt, deal with their emotions, or control their partner. There are many ways that it can show up. Perhaps you are withholding love and don’t even know it. Let’s explore...
All Love is Love

All Love is Love

So much pain in this world comes from the perception that there is not enough love. People don’t see love because it doesn’t come in the package that they think it should come in. There are so many qualifiers for types of love that we can miss it while...

Three Keys to Wholeness: Love, Service, and Wisdom

People have been searching for wholeness for a long time. In recent years the trends for finding it have been through rebellion, escaping through drugs and alcohol, pursuing success (buying things and gaining titles), and living your passion. The key has never been,...