What’s Right With Your Life?

What’s Right With Your Life?

We can be so conditioned to focus on what’s wrong, growing, and fixing things that we forget to acknowledge what’s right. So let’s take a moment to pause and reflect on what’s right with your life. When we do this simple, little practice, we...
What Does It Feel Like To Be Safe?

What Does It Feel Like To Be Safe?

If you grew up in a chaotic environment, you may not know what it fees like to be safe. How do you cultivate something when you don’t know what it is? It’s like trying to describe chocolate to someone who has never smelled or tasted it. Nothing else comes...
How to Heal Toxic Shame

How to Heal Toxic Shame

Shame happens when we perceive we have done something wrong and someone else witnesses it. Instead of seeing the behavior is wrong, we believe that we are wrong, bad, defective, unworthy, or don’t deserve love. Unlike guilt, shame requires a witness to exist....
Five Reasons You’re Stuck (And What To Do About It)

Five Reasons You’re Stuck (And What To Do About It)

Are you spinning your wheels? Can’t get any traction to move on? Here are five reasons why you’re stuck that can help you get going again. Did You Feel Your Feelings? Sometimes people hit a rough patch and do the stiff upper lip thing. They pretend it...
How to Tell If You’re Projecting Your Stuff Onto Someone Else

How to Tell If You’re Projecting Your Stuff Onto Someone Else

Projection is putting our thoughts, feelings, or fears on to someone else. It’s what we do when we are in Shadow. We do it because we’re uncomfortable with something within us. We want to get rid of that thing, so we give it to something outside of...