Can Being Good be Toxic?

Can Being Good be Toxic?

Is there such a thing as toxic goodness? Can being good be toxic? Isn’t goodness universally, well, good? Anything that is out of balance can be harmful. Let’s take a look at why your goodness hurts you. Everyone grows up in a family that shows them what...
All Love is Love

All Love is Love

So much pain in this world comes from the perception that there is not enough love. People don’t see love because it doesn’t come in the package that they think it should come in. There are so many qualifiers for types of love that we can miss it while...
Why You’re Better Off Without Frenemies

Why You’re Better Off Without Frenemies

Do you have friends or frenemies? Some of us hold on to unfulfilling relationships because it’s better than being alone. Or maybe it’s just habit, but did you know that this isn’t healthy? A long term study found that people who are involved in...
What You Need to Know Before Leaving an Abusive Relationship

What You Need to Know Before Leaving an Abusive Relationship

Leaving any relationship is not easy. When the relationship has been abusive, there are special emotional considerations that don’t come with your run-of-the-mill breakup. Here are some things you need to know before leaving an abusive relationship that may make...
How To Create a Truce in Stormy Relationships

How To Create a Truce in Stormy Relationships

If you are in a stormy relationship that you want to grow into a healthy one, it may be useful to call a truce. Here are some ground rules that you can consider adopting while in your truce so that you can function together while working things out. The guidelines are...