Healing the Shame of Abuse

Healing the Shame of Abuse

When it comes to healing the shame of abuse, the biggest hurdle is breaking through the idea that the abuse is somehow our fault. The experiencer seems to feel that they should have, and could have, prevented it. If they hadn’t done this, or had done that, it...
Mental Illness Isn’t a Personal Issue. It’s a Social One.

Mental Illness Isn’t a Personal Issue. It’s a Social One.

It’s funny. When someone becomes anxious or depressed, we want them to go to a counselor to sort themselves out. It’s their problem. Only mental illness isn’t a personal issue. It’s a social one. In some cases, this means that the person who is...
What’s My Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Score?

What’s My Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Score?

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) score is based upon the answers to ten questions focused around childhood experiences. The assessment shows a relationship between traumatic childhood events and physical, social and emotional problems later in adulthood. This...
Is Paranormal PTSD a Real Thing?

Is Paranormal PTSD a Real Thing?

Could a person get post traumatic stress disorder from a paranormal event? Is paranormal PTSD a real thing? Any event, real or imagined, that results in intrusive memories, nightmares, being easily startled, hypervigilance, avoiding the place where the event happened,...
How to Be Unmanipulatable

How to Be Unmanipulatable

Okay, first off, let me tell you that there is no way to be 100% unmanipulatable. However, there are ways to reduce your vulnerability, and this article will look at those. Ready? Forget About Stereotypes The first thing you need to do to reduce your vulnerability to...