How to Bend, Not Break

How to Bend, Not Break

Most people endure at least one traumatic event in their lifetimes. Some have many. If you work in a high stress environment, like a hospital mental health care, the police force, or an incarceration facility, an overloaded nervous system could happen on a daily...
What You Need to Know Before Leaving an Abusive Relationship

What You Need to Know Before Leaving an Abusive Relationship

Leaving any relationship is not easy. When the relationship has been abusive, there are special emotional considerations that don’t come with your run-of-the-mill breakup. Here are some things you need to know before leaving an abusive relationship that may make...
What Causes Toxic Shame?

What Causes Toxic Shame?

Sometimes I get clients who are really nice people, they seem honest, and really want to feel better, but they just don’t budge. Almost always the underlying reason is toxic shame. They have a deep belief that they are bad, and they don’t deserve to feel...
Hope For Hurts That Never Heal

Hope For Hurts That Never Heal

“I’ll always feel this pain” are words I hate to hear. They feel like the person is resigned to live with pain – like there is no hope. Guess what? There is hope for hurts that “never heal.” When I see people who tell me they will...
The Hidden Pain of Not Having a Healthy Mother

The Hidden Pain of Not Having a Healthy Mother

Okay, I am not literally talking about being an orphan. What I mean by “not having a mother” is when your parents are physically or emotionally absent. Maybe you were a latchkey kid. Maybe you had a helicopter mom. This can happen if your mom was...