The Surgeon General’s Advisory on Loneliness is an eye opening look at the impact of social isolation. Loneliness impacts physical health, mental health, economic productivity, and happiness. Since over 50% of American reported feeling lonely before the...
A really common statement that I hear in my office when dealing with couples is, “When things get tough, all I need is for you to hold me.” That’s a request for emotional safety. So why is it so hard for our partners to do this? It’s about...
Just about everything our soul needs can fit into these categories: safety, connection, novelty, significance, growth, and contribution. When our top two emotional needs are met, we tend to be pretty happy. When all of our needs are met, we are living our passion....
Loneliness is crippling. It’s a component of depression. It certainly impairs health. There are studies now that say that it is the root cause of addiction! Fortunately it is something that can be remedied with these two steps. Enjoy Yourself Everyone needs time with...